Next Meeting: April 13th
Check Calendar for details
History Buffs, a relevant story:
When the RWSC was but 4 years old.....
By Kevin Vacura...................................

I had heard from some "old timers" the RWSC was once featured on the cover of The American Rifleman, a publication of The National Rifle Association of America. I wasn't sure of the date and even the NRA was unable to help me in my quest to locate a copy. So began the search. Years later, I came upon an individual at a gun show in Detroit Lakes, MN who was selling old NRA magazines. After telling him what I was looking for, I spent less than a minute paging through some old publications before I had my hands on a copy of the 1937 February issue! Now, with the seller's full knowledge of what I'd been searching, with great apprehension, my next question was, "So... how much?" To which he nonchalantly replied, "They're a buck each." It was 4 times the cover price, however I would have gladly paid 100 times the cover price!
A copy of the cover has been reproduced, framed and is proudly displayed in the Club House. If anyone wants a copy of their own, they can get one at Allegra in Red Wing for a couple of bucks.
Disclosure: The web guy took license touching up the magazine cover.
The original will show it's age and a postal stamp rudely placed.
A copy of the cover has been reproduced, framed and is proudly displayed in the Club House. If anyone wants a copy of their own, they can get one at Allegra in Red Wing for a couple of bucks.
Disclosure: The web guy took license touching up the magazine cover.
The original will show it's age and a postal stamp rudely placed.